Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Homework 8

  1. Is the space in your game discrete or continuous?
  2. How many dimensions does your space have? 
  3. What are the boundaries of your space? 
  4. How many verbs do your players (characters) have? What are they? 
  5. How many objects can each verb act on? What are these objects? 
  6. How many ways can players achieve their goals
  7. How many subjects do the players control? What are these subjects? 
  8. How do side effects change constraints. 
  9. What are the operative actions in your game? 
  10. What are the resultant actions in your game? 
  11. What actions would you like your players to do that they cannot presently do? (based on your current knowledge of Blender)
  12. What is the ultimate goal of your game? 
  13. Are there short and long term goals? What are they? 
  14. How do you plan to make the game goals known and understood by the player? 
  15. What are the foundational rules of your game? 
  16. How are these rules enforced? 
  17. Does your game develop real skills? What are they? 
  18. Does your game develop virtual skills? What are they? 

1. The game has continuous space and discrete space. You can go anywhere in the level, but each level is seperate from the rest of the game
2. It's in 2-d
3. The boundaries are the beginning and end of the level, the ground and the ceiling(which kills you if you float too far)
4. The PC can jump, walk, float, throw weapons, fire weapons and swing weapons.
5. player can act on the enviroment with certain weapons, and on the aliens with regular weapons
6. there are different ways to get around the level and hazards, but they ultimately lead to the same ending spot
7.  Just the main character
8. you can move forward by killing enemies.
9. Swinging and throwing weapons, moving and jumping, and picking up objects.
10. Killing enemies, rescuing captives, overcoming terrain hazards, not dying.
11. I would like the players to be able to chain together melee combos
12. Ultimate goal is to destroy the alien mothership with technology recovered from rescuing survivors
13. Short term: Kill all the aliens and beat the level. Long term: rescue survivors who'll help you destroy the mothership
15. You can move in 2-d across the level, can't move through solid objects, you have to rescue a certain amount of people before you successfully clear a level, and you die if you are shot or stabbed and have to start over
16. With Beta testing and solid programming
17. Not really
18. Nope

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