1. For each of the four elements of the Tetrad, explain how it is addressed by your game. If one of the four elements is not used, please state this.
Mechanics: Our game is going to be a 2d side scrolling action game done in a 3d engine. We went with 2d because the gameplay will feel much tighter and more precise for the player, and the platforming aspects of the game are going play a very important role in it.
Story: Our main character is tasked with rescuing people to help populate and maintain the space colony he lives on. The player will have to explore dangerous areas while rescuing engineers, scientists, and soldiers.
Aesthetics: The player is going to expeience a lot of bright flashing and expansive gaps. The game takes place in space so there will be certain areas that feel very empty, to remind the player most of the game is taking place in the void of space. The player can also expect to see events and changes in the background based on whats going on in the mission.
Technology: We're using all the tools Blender Engine has at it's disposal. We're going to be programming in a 2 player battle arena with massive amounts of obstacles and ways to fight. We'll be sure to take full advantage of Python programming and all the texture tools Blender has
2. Do the four (or less) elements work towards a current theme?
Absolutely. We're using all of them to try and give the player the best version of the game the group envisioned.
3. In your own words, describe the meaning of a "theme", and how does it differ from an "experience" (see book for examples in Chapters 2 and 5.
I would say Theme is the idea and feel the developers intend for the game as the release it, and Experience is how the game actually feels and plays as experienced by the target audience
4. What is your game's theme?
I would say overcoming the fear of the unknown, but my group might have a different answer.
5. What are the elements in your game that are meant to reinforce this theme?
Exploring the dark recesses of space, the instant death of the player is they're struck or hurt by something. Drifting off into space and dying if you go outside the game's boundaries. Part of the game should make the player feel a little nervous exploring new areas.
6. What is it about your game that you feel makes it special and powerful?
I think space and the concept of how small humans are compared to the size of the known universe is a powerful thing in and of itself. The fact that the player is going to be stressed from killing aliens, searching for survivors, maintaining a good supply of weapons and fuel should make the platforming aspects and victory all that more satisfying.
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